Unable to access https://loft.frontm.ai/ from my computer
The User's computer may be behind a firewall or VPN that is preventing access to Loft Meetings. Please contact the Vessel IT and copy support@frontm.com for assistance.
No video or audio is available
Click on the lock icon to the left of the Loft URL in the browser address bar. Make sure the Camera, Microphone, and Sound are enabled. If the User is unable to enable them, contact Vessel IT for assistance, as the computer has restricted access to conferencing systems.
Loft Meetings does not open
Loft Meetings uses specialized network addresses. Open the network set up status verification page on Google Chrome https://onship.app/status and click on verify permissions. Share the results with Vessel IT to address the network configuration that may be preventing Loft Meetings from opening.
Connection problems
VSAT networks tend to have fluctuating speeds and may have no guarantee of minimum speeds. If the User is facing connection issues, it is likely that the network is operating at below 100kbps speeds. If the User tries after a few minutes, they may find the connection improving. The User may try to close any other bandwidth-heavy applications on the same system if possible.
Security & Privacy peace of mind
Please note that Loft Meetings uses end-to-end encryption and is not accessible by anyone except the User and the participants. Only share the meeting link with the intended audience.
Can’t see all my participants at once
Loft is designed to selectively stream one video from the participants to the User at a time. The participant currently engaging in the conversation is seen while other participants’ video is not streamed. This dynamically changes as and when different participants engage in the conversation. This setting can be changed if bandwidth availability is not a problem.
Check the bandwidth of particular participants
It is possible to see the bandwidth used by each participant by hovering over their profile to find a network icon on the top left corner of their contact. Click on the icon to see the bandwidth and their network status.
Increase audio volume from a particular participant.
To access user settings in the meeting, simply click on the profile picture or initials located in the top right corner of the interface. From here, the User can adjust the volume of fellow participants, send private messages, grant moderator rights, disable the camera, and mute the audio in the same settings section for a more customized meeting experience.
Share my screen during a meeting.
To enable screen sharing, locate the settings banner at the bottom of the meeting interface and select the icon with an arrow to share the laptop or desktop screen with others in the meeting.
Using mobile devices instead of laptops and desktops
The User can open the meeting link shared on the mobile browser without the need to download any mobile app. Just click on the link, and the User will be able to join the meeting on the mobile device hassle-free.
Increase video resolution on faster networks.
Users can click on the network speed icon next to the meeting duration in their participants' profiles to access and adjust performance settings, ensuring a smoother meeting experience based on their network conditions.
FrontM support desk will be happy to take the User's inquiries and support the trials. Please do not hesitate to write to support@frontm.com with queries.
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