Conversational interactions
Frontm.js was design with the following goals:
- Run on any network topologies and conditions
- Implement a simple and homogeneaus development paradigm to all apps created with the framework, no matter how simple or complex the apps are
FrontM Apps are built from the ground up to enable complex conversational interactions between different types of actors. The actors could be people, software applications and machines. And these actors can be located on any place in a network or even fully offline.
The FrontM Platform architecture presents three important advanatges for developers.
Running on ANY network
FrontM Apps therefore keep running when they are offline and can also maintain data integrity when the connection is unstable or intermittent. We resolve this splitting transactions in its smallest self-contained parts and assigning to each part inputs, transformation code and outputs. The inputs and outputs are expresses as messages and the code that transforms them can be located anywhere and run independently.
Normalised transactional Apps
When a developer creates an App that is integrated to a ticketing system like, for example,, the very same App can also be re-utilised and integrated to Microsoft Dynamics or SAP CRM. Moreover, it can be integrated with all of them at the same time!
Multi-tasking Conversations
Human conversations can be chaotic, but conversations are our tools to solve problems and getting things done. For example, a person can change the subject or context and come back without warning. If apps are to be truly conversational, they should be able to manage a conversation that can switch subject or context naturally. FrontM Apps can maintain multiple conversation subjects and contexts with several or only one actor, keeping the transactions secure and unambiguous.
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